Please pray for us this next week as we serve in Olanchito and in the mountains. The members of the NMBC's team are: Clint Sheppard, Jessica Young, Josh Bumgardener, Krystal Quetant, Sarabeth Johnson, Tyler Hebert, Daniel Herring, Rachel Deas, Caitlin Carbrey, Brett McClelland, and myself. Pray that we will be bonded as a group, that we will be obediant to share God's word wherever the doors may open, and that the Lord would reveal Himself to us and the people of Honduras in a new way. Pray that He will be glorified through us!
I will not update until I return from the crusade in the mountains, but please be in prayer for us this week! I love you guys!
Spanish word of the day:
Tesoro --> Treasure
sha! look at her in that princess swimsuit!! it fits perfect! good job on the size friend! she is the ultimate princess!
praise the Lord for relaxed days...and enjoyable ones!
praying, praying, praying for your week ahead! te amo!
That is a great swimming suit for her.. great job, jess!
I cannot WAIT to hear how things go in the mountains. I will be praying all week, and anxiously awaiting an update!
Where your TESORO is, there your CORAZON will be, also.
hehe.. thanks for the new word.
I love you.
Love you!
Call me the INSTANT you can!!!
Getting antsy-er and antsy-er to hear from you and Jess! I loveeee you!!!!!
Praying like crazy!
: )
Grant really likes the Spanish word of the day!!
We are praying for you every night - praying that people hear and love Jesus. And praying for your safety! BTW - hace calor! (in Monroe)
Kristi, John, Grant and Garrett
I can't wait to read about your week with the north monroe team!
You guys are all in our thoughts and prayers!
mrs. fran
Hey, Jess! We've been praying this week for you and Clint and the team from North Monroe. I know that God is working through y'all and teaching you great things in this time of service. I felt impressed to pray for your and Clint's safety, especially. Looking forward to hearing how God has worked this week.
I led worship Wednesday night and this Sunday morning. It was such a blessing to be back at church. Last Sunday I wasn't up to leading but sat and ran sound with Bryan Pullin leading worship. Bro. Collin and his family had come to that service because Julianna had graduated the day before from the homeschool high school association here. That was kinda cool. They are doing well. We'll stay in touch and keep praying. May have some other news for you in a few weeks, but I'll keep you in suspense for a few weeks.
Know we love you and are praying ... continually.
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