Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mobil Clinic

I learned all about the "mobil clinic" today! 2 days a week, I will be working with them and I loved what we did today! We left the hospital at 7 am to go to Santa Rosita, a village about an hour away from Siguatepque. I rode in the "ambulance" with Dr. Leo, Dr. Miguel, Alex, and Roscelia, all of which are WONDERFUL! When we arrived, there were about 20 families waiting on us at the Centro de Salud and immediately the team began to take action. Not in a way that one would think by being busy but instead ministering to the people. A story from the Bible was shared in their native tongue and we were able to pray with them. The unloading of boxes, setting up stations, and the gathering of information from patients, and beginning to meet the patients needs immediately followed the time we gave to the Lord. My job was to take their blood pressure (pression aterial) and their weight (peso). After I finished with all of the patients, which was around 30 people, I helped Roscelia in the pharmacy. We did not eat lunch until around 1:30 but the morning went by quickly! After eating we packed up the boxes, loaded the "ambulance", and said our goodbyes we worked our way back down the mountain. Speaking spanish for 8 hours straight with no english was quite interesting! Kind of a bittersweet deal, I am glad I got to practice and I liked speaking with the locals BUT I had a major headache when I got home!

Jennifer and Rebeca picked me up at the hospital today. After they picked me up, Rebeca and I went back to the house while Jennifer went to her class. We had fun :) Max bit my ankles again.. I just thought he had matured! HAHA (Jess, these pictures of Max and Princess are for you!!!)
Our line is hooked up here at the house... Osmany found a Linksys product that allows us to call out of Honduras to the states for a very cheap rate and for anyone who has a (318) area code to call us just like it is a local call, which means it is free for you guys! I would love to hear from you! Our number is (318) 402-0784.

Tomorrow I will be at the hospital all day, or at least that is what it is looking like. I am not really sure what to expect but I'm sure it will be wonderful! Thank you for all of your prayers, they are being answered! Please continue to pray for language fluency, relationships, and for the team from North Monroe that is coming in 4 days! Ah, what a week this is going to be!

Spanish phrase of the day:
"No Se!" --> I don't know!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Sounds like you are off to a terrific start with your job! It's so cool that you guys minister through the gospel, and then minister through your abilities.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures. SO cute! I especially love the one of you and Rebeca. You two are SO precious! And I like the ones on facebook, too. Cute children!!!!

So, can we really call you?

I love/miss you big time. I'm glad you have more than one pair of green scrubs. hehehehehehehehehe.

I looovvvvveeeeeeee you, and can't wait to hear more!!!!!!

: )

no se. ha, just wanted to say it!

Leslie Young said...

Hey, sweet girl! What an exciting day! Jess came to my last women's study with me and missed your call, then got to talk to you! I'm so excited about y'all's new number! I've got the Wising Up DVDs & listening guides all packaged for travel to Honduras - I know the two Jess's and Jennifer will love them!
Praying for you today!

Jon Hale said...


It is so cool being able to read the daily blogs and "see" what is happening on your trip. It's like a whole story unfolding day by day...really cool! i know your spanish will come back fluently as you spend more time with the people... Who likes headaches?! How neat is it that you get to train their nurses?!

The pics are awesome. Amy and I will be checking in on you to see what is happening!

Espero que usted tenga una gran semana!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics! Rebecca is more adorable than ever! God is going to use you in ways you dont even know by working at this Mobil Clinic! Christian nursing..mmm I love it! So I'm guessing this is a Christian hospital? I'm glad you are getting some good Spanish time...sorry about your headache though! I'm continuing to pray for fluency! praying, praying! I love you!

Kathleen G said...

Hola! haha guess what...I called that number you posted and Osamany picked up. I said Hola and asked if you were there, I need a refresher in my spanish! I will try to call again sometime. I hope I can use my spanish in florida: ) Love you chica

Anonymous said...

My goodness Jess - you have already hit the ground running! I can't imagine all that the Lord has in store for you and the people of Honduras this summer.

You know we are praying for you and for the lives of all of those God brings in your path in the days ahead.

The summer is going to fly by for you with all that is ahead. I'm so glad you can keep us posted each day!

We love you!!!

mrs. fran

Anonymous said...

hey. prayin for u. love u. or watever. sounds like you're off to a good start. haha. take out or whatever. (silent laughter). hehehaha. hehaha. (more silent laughter) i knew your where gonna put tha... i knew you were gonna put tha hahaha. (silent laughter while falling off the couch) hahahaha... hehehe... (silent laughter) hehehehahaha. tum. (foot stopping) michael no noo... (squealing) ... S-Q-U-E-A-L-I-N-G... mike, just do good. why?

Anonymous said...

hey jess... sounds like ur doin good. i'm prayin for u. keep us updated... and i'll tell u the story behind the previous comment later...