Thursday, July 20, 2006

this is the only picture that we took at the water park yesterday.... its hard to carry around a camera!!!

well this is probably going to be my last update from honduras. i will be meeting the team from FBC Swartz at the airport in san pedro sula on saturday morning and i will spend the week with them in olanchito. please keep us in your prayers!

thank you all for your love, support, encouragement, and most importantly your prayers! i could not have made it this summer without it! the Lord has done some amazing things here in my life this summer and some pretty cool work is going on here in honduras! please continue to pray for this country and for the people.

Monday, July 17, 2006

last night was the best night i have had at church in a long time. rebeca never sits still so i took her outisde and we played with some other kids. well it started to rain so we had to go back inside the church.... i ended up on the floor with like 7 children gathered around me asking me questions and wanting to dig through my things. of course i let them, i couldnt help but humor their curiosity and i tried to answer as many questions as i could. we got out my camera and had a little fun with it, they dont see cameras much less a digital one. they were all running their hands in front of the lens and watching it on the viewing screen then i let them take some pictures. the one up there is one that i took, theirs were a little blurry as you can imagine a normal 5-10 yr olds pictures would be!

today i worked at the clinic, lots of patients :) i find that my spanish is still getting better and better everyday and i becoming more comfortable as far as speaking. i know that some of you are still praying for that and thank you! tomorrow is my last day at the clinic, it will be a bittersweet goodbye.

we are going to all of the villages tomorrow to remind them of the bregade and to ask permission to use the schools. pray that we have safe travels up the mountains and that the people will be open to letting us come in, we are going to some villages that we have never been in before.

oh yea.. something i forgot to mention on my saturday's post. during the Bible study in Los Panes, jennifer asked the kids if anyone knew who Jesus was. not one of them could tell her. i guess all of us thought that since we were in a village that was predominately catholic that they would at least know who Jesus was and might know some answers, but i guess they really dont know. that blew me away. another man congratualated us ... we were kind of suprised as to why he was giving us this praise. well turns out.. there have been groups that have come in and tried to start Bible studies but have given up shortly after because no adults were showing intrest. you know .... all people need is love and some kind of consistancy in their life, and the Lord provides the people. we just have to be patient. me, jennifer, and osmany were talking and we all agreed that if we are only in that village for one persons benefit, then all the work is worth it!

please continue to pray for us here in siguatepeque as we prepare for the teams to arrive. i have alot to do as far as washing my clothes and packing before we can leave on saturday morning. so please pray that i will be sensative to what the Lord has for me to do here for the rest of my stay. i have a feeling that the Lord is going to move really big in the next 2 weeks, i am so glad i am here!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

well no bus was in the way today, so we made it to los panes. jennifer taught the story of the prodigal son and the kids colored a picture that was about the bible study. they seemed to really have a good time today... i think we had over 60 kids.

it was kind of sad telling the kids bye today.. it was the last time i get to go to the village.

this week is going to be pretty crazy, or so i hear. we only have 6 more days until the team comes and alot of work has to be done. we have to go to all of the villages, pack up most of the house, clean the house, pack my stuff away, and prepare spiritually and emotionally for the teams. i am really excited about spending the week in olanchito with the team from my church! the Lord has some pretty awesome things in store, im so ready to get to work!

on wednesday we are going to the water park in san pedro sula.... im pretty pumped about that as well!

my last day at the clinic is tuesday, so pray for me as i wrap things up there and say my goodbyes!

Monday, July 10, 2006

sorry that it has been almost a week since i have updated and i know that even when i do update they are few and far between... but its almost like things are so routine now that i think yall should know what i have been doing! haha

we didnt get to go to Panes on saturday because a bus was blocking the path up the mountain, so we were pretty bummed about that. instead we visited el achote....seemed like a pretty productive evening

today i went back to the clinic... the highlight of my day was the 98 yr old patient! interesting huh???

alright well the team will be here in 11 days, im pretty excited! keep the prayers coming! love you guys!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

these are some pictures from our bible study in panes this past saturday.. arent the little girls beautiful?!?!

mom this update is for you... you see rebeca playing with her toys in the swimmin pool??? she really likes them alot and about flipped out when we got them last week! she says "gracias" !!!

nothing new has been going on..

church was good on sunday, osmany got to preach... i wouldnt know if it was good or not, still having trouble understanding :)

clinic was crazy busy yesterday, ended up having 29 patients! way too many people for a 4 hr time span....

but that picture is from today, after rebeca got up from her nap i put her in the pool and let me tell you... that water was COLD! her little teeth were chattering but she had fun :)

tomorrow we are going to continue to invite the people in the village of el achote to our vacation Bible school, well not mine but the teams that will be coming to siguatepeque the last week of july. so please continue to pray for the preparation being done here for the team and begin to pray for the team that will come here from swartz that same week! i will be with them in olanchito and i hear that it is supposed to be an XMA trip so im pretty pumped! pray that the Lord with prepare us physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

today was my first Bible study @ Los Panes. it went really well, i think we had right at 50. mostly kids of course, but the Lord is faithful and He will bring them in! osmany led them in a few songs and then jennifer taught the Bible story of noah and the arc. after all of that was over we got the soccer ball out and kicked around with the kids, but before i knew it they were all gone! why??? jennifer got the bubbles out, they were amazed! not one of those children had ever seen anyone blow bubbles! they were going crazy trying to pop them, we could barely blow them away from our face before a mob of kids slapped at them!

i find myself amazed at being here on a daily basis, it is such a priveledge. you know we say we come here to minister to the people, but in all reality... i think they minister to us more than we do them.