today was my first Bible study @ Los Panes. it went really well, i think we had right at 50. mostly kids of course, but the Lord is faithful and He will bring them in! osmany led them in a few songs and then jennifer taught the Bible story of noah and the arc. after all of that was over we got the soccer ball out and kicked around with the kids, but before i knew it they were all gone! why??? jennifer got the bubbles out, they were amazed! not one of those children had ever seen anyone blow bubbles! they were going crazy trying to pop them, we could barely blow them away from our face before a mob of kids slapped at them!
i find myself amazed at being here on a daily basis, it is such a priveledge. you know we say we come here to minister to the people, but in all reality... i think they minister to us more than we do them.
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