turns out i didnt make it to the clinic again today.... i was sick when i woke up again! blah...
i have felt good for most of the day though, so i figure my immune system has kicked whatever i had.
jennifer's best friend from honduras is in town for the next 2 or so days.. her name is nellie and she has a little boy named elijah. im sure most of the night will be consumed with getting to know them and enjoying each others company.
definatly will be back at the clinic tomorrow, so keep those prayers comin!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Day 1 @ Clinic
this morning started out with an hour workout at the gym! it was grand.. but i do have to admit that im sore!!!
well day 1 @ the clinic was nice. it was good, i really like the enviroment and i learned alot about medicine already. but its really stinken hard to communicate with people when you dont know their language.i get soooo frusterated at myself when i cannot speak to them and when i cant understand what they are saying. i really need you to pray for me for an understanding of the language and to be able to speak it and to have patience with it.
other than that.. the nurse there, Senora Thelma, she is amazing! such a sweet woman. there was also a girl that looked around our age that came in around 10 to help out. her name is marta, she was big fun. we saw about 20 people today and i saw more stuff today than ive seen in a while. these are some tough people....
we went to wendy's tonight... how random is that? a wendy's in honduras! think about it for a second if you dont think its slightly weird!?!?
alright... well yall have a nice night! te amo mucho y te extrano :)
well day 1 @ the clinic was nice. it was good, i really like the enviroment and i learned alot about medicine already. but its really stinken hard to communicate with people when you dont know their language.i get soooo frusterated at myself when i cannot speak to them and when i cant understand what they are saying. i really need you to pray for me for an understanding of the language and to be able to speak it and to have patience with it.
other than that.. the nurse there, Senora Thelma, she is amazing! such a sweet woman. there was also a girl that looked around our age that came in around 10 to help out. her name is marta, she was big fun. we saw about 20 people today and i saw more stuff today than ive seen in a while. these are some tough people....
we went to wendy's tonight... how random is that? a wendy's in honduras! think about it for a second if you dont think its slightly weird!?!?
alright... well yall have a nice night! te amo mucho y te extrano :)
Sunday, May 28, 2006
another day of nothingness... didnt even leave the house! i guess this is the Lord's way of saying, "you better rest now because starting monday there will be none!" haha.. gotta love that! in the morning we are going to the gym at 6 so that i can be at work by 8! tomorrow starts my summers work in the medical clinic!
please pray for me as i start to work in the clinic tomorrow! continue to pray for the fluency in the spanish language, the Lord is still showing me more and more every day! thanks to everyone who is already praying! i love you!
please pray for me as i start to work in the clinic tomorrow! continue to pray for the fluency in the spanish language, the Lord is still showing me more and more every day! thanks to everyone who is already praying! i love you!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
today was not so eventful after our long 2 day trip... we made a run to the bank and the grocery store earlier this morning. after we got back we just hung around the house all day. watched some movies.... it was nice.
i keep saying that because starting monday my days will start at 5:30 am! im sooo excited about starting work in the clinic! i know that the Lord has alot to show me...
i keep saying that because starting monday my days will start at 5:30 am! im sooo excited about starting work in the clinic! i know that the Lord has alot to show me...
Friday, May 26, 2006
well we made it back a day early! yay.. that was a rough 3 hr drive. we left yesterday morning early and got to Yoro around 1:30 pm. osmany met with the baptist pastor of a church there in Yoro. We all had supper last night in the hotel we are staying in, Hotel Marquez. The hotel was really really nice. i definatly was not expecting air conditioning, soft beds, runnig water much less hott water. i was in a room by myself, but jennifer, osmany, and rebeca were just down the hall. i wasnt sure how much i liked being by myself at first, it gave me alot of time to think. well it turned out, last night was the best night i have had since ive been in Honduras. i began to watch tv and the only channel that was english immediatly turned to spanish... i was like MAN!!! so i turned the TV off and put in my ipod. the Lord showed me that i needed to use that time to spend with Him. i had an amazing time of worship and study of the scriptures.
the song that really struck me when i was listening is called "i would die for You" by mercy me. it really hit me hard, my life has never been this clear before. i mean since i have been here in Honduras. you never really know why your alive until you realize what you would die for. its the truth, i never really understood life until i realized "to live is Christ and to die is gain".
i also began to read in "beyond the gates of splendor" by elisabeth elloit. her husband gave up his life to bring the Gospel to the Acua indians in ecuador. everyone back home gave him a hard time for leaving, wanting him to stirr up the Christians on the "homefront". this was jim elloit's reply "how can i stay home while many nations perish. what if the well filled church in the homeland needs stirring? they have the scriptures, moses, and the prophets, and a whole lot more. their condemnation is written on their bank books and in the dust of their Bible covers." so... i guess that gave me a huge wakeup call. what do you guys think about that?
anyways... that was my night last night. we ate breakfast in the hotel this morning and then set out in search of a pastor of a village about 45 min from Yoro. turns out... he isnt living there this week so we got his address and contact info. jennifer told me the reason we took the trip was to set up a good time to meet with all of the pastors around the city of Yoro to meet about the work being done there. we want to be able to help out if they need it. so after we left the village we made our way back to Siguatepeque. the ride back was BEAUTIFUL! the mountains, lakes, rivers, and most of all the people. it seems to me that their facial expressions tell their life story. God is sooooo good, just incase you have forgotten!
thank you for your prayers on that trip..... my spanish is still progressively getting better! praise be to the Lord of all!
the song that really struck me when i was listening is called "i would die for You" by mercy me. it really hit me hard, my life has never been this clear before. i mean since i have been here in Honduras. you never really know why your alive until you realize what you would die for. its the truth, i never really understood life until i realized "to live is Christ and to die is gain".
i also began to read in "beyond the gates of splendor" by elisabeth elloit. her husband gave up his life to bring the Gospel to the Acua indians in ecuador. everyone back home gave him a hard time for leaving, wanting him to stirr up the Christians on the "homefront". this was jim elloit's reply "how can i stay home while many nations perish. what if the well filled church in the homeland needs stirring? they have the scriptures, moses, and the prophets, and a whole lot more. their condemnation is written on their bank books and in the dust of their Bible covers." so... i guess that gave me a huge wakeup call. what do you guys think about that?
anyways... that was my night last night. we ate breakfast in the hotel this morning and then set out in search of a pastor of a village about 45 min from Yoro. turns out... he isnt living there this week so we got his address and contact info. jennifer told me the reason we took the trip was to set up a good time to meet with all of the pastors around the city of Yoro to meet about the work being done there. we want to be able to help out if they need it. so after we left the village we made our way back to Siguatepeque. the ride back was BEAUTIFUL! the mountains, lakes, rivers, and most of all the people. it seems to me that their facial expressions tell their life story. God is sooooo good, just incase you have forgotten!
thank you for your prayers on that trip..... my spanish is still progressively getting better! praise be to the Lord of all!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
ahhh... gotta love sleeping in! i slept until almost 9:30 this morning, i guess i didnt realize how tired i was from traveling. marlon and his wife left today around 1:30 after we ate at Bongo's for the second time in a week! gotta love that! after we got home i started on my postcards, so if anyone is expecting a thank you letter start looking for it! it might take a few weeks, but it'll get there! i also got my first clothes washing experience today. it wasnt as bad as i thought, just takes some time. but it is definatly a cheap way of washing clothes, i might have to buy a washboard for the dorm room! haha... right! chicken sandwhiches are for supper and then im sure we will settle in for the night!
we are going out of town tomorrow so i wont update until saturday. however, it will be alot considering i will be updating for 3 days!
pray for us as we travel to Yoro and check some things out! have a great 3 days!
we are going out of town tomorrow so i wont update until saturday. however, it will be alot considering i will be updating for 3 days!
pray for us as we travel to Yoro and check some things out! have a great 3 days!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
this morning we had an early start. we were at the medical clinic by 8 am and i got a chance to meet the doctor that i will be working with. he speaks some english so that is good! the Lord definatly tore down the language barrier in that aspect of my life, praise Him! i am really excited about working in the clinic, i should start next monday.
after that we came back and got ready for some friends to come over. Marlon and his wife are staying the night with us, it has been good getting to visit with them. me and marlon reminissed about our hike last summer, that was interesting and humerous.
i feel like i am learning more and more spanish every day. being around a 16 month old helps because they speak in small terms when they talk to her, but i really feel as though im getting it.
thank you for all of your prayers! especially those who are praying for my speedy understanding and fluency in the language! i am seeing the power of prayer at work in my life!
after that we came back and got ready for some friends to come over. Marlon and his wife are staying the night with us, it has been good getting to visit with them. me and marlon reminissed about our hike last summer, that was interesting and humerous.
i feel like i am learning more and more spanish every day. being around a 16 month old helps because they speak in small terms when they talk to her, but i really feel as though im getting it.
thank you for all of your prayers! especially those who are praying for my speedy understanding and fluency in the language! i am seeing the power of prayer at work in my life!
Monday, May 22, 2006
i got to sleep till 9:15 today! i was sooo excited! i definatly needed some sleep. after i got up i took a shower, no hott water. that was an experience. we went by the bank to exchange money, picked up something to eat at Bongo's(i like honduran food), made a trip to the grocery store, and visited the clinic i will be working in this summer. today was a relaxing day, we have just kinda hung around and rested. what a blessing!
thank you for your prayers and your consistancy! i love you!
thank you for your prayers and your consistancy! i love you!
Sunday, May 21, 2006

today started off pretty good, i woke myself up at 7:45 am. gotta love that, im not even in school anymore and i still wake up that early! we didnt end up leaving siguatepeque until around 10, because we waited on the pastor and his family to meet us. they have a little boy name andres, he is 6. we drove to la esperanza(hope in english), which by the way is the coolest city in temperature in the whole country of honduras. we ate at a restaurant there and then made our way into the mountains. it took about an hour and a half just to get to this church in san marco. when we got there i had to hike down a MOUNTAIN to use the outhouse in the rain. it was quite an experience! the service was about 2 hrs long, and with it being spanish i got a little frusterated. the Lord quickly began to move in my heart and show me some things today though. most who know me know that i communicate the best through speech. well, here i cant do that because i do not know the language fluently. so when a friend put things in perspective for me today, i realized that i am having to communicate in a different way. people know we are Christ's when we show His love. i might not can speak it now but i can show it! coming down the mountain was also another God fearing experience. i think i prayed the whole 2 hrs down. pitch black skies, fog, rain, and 5 adults and 2 babies in a 5 passenger truck was a scary combination. but to no suprise, we made it down safely.
please pray for me as i continue to learn the spanish language, it seems to be my biggest enemy and weakness as of now. tomorrow,i am going to the medical clinic where i will serving so remember me tomorrow as i go there. thanks for all the love and support! you have no idea how much it means!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
I'm Here!
Well im finally here.... such a long awaited trip and im finally here, i cant believe it! the plane ride wasnt too bad and it was good getting to know jennifer and osmany on the car ride to siguatepeque. their house here in sigua is way far beyond what i would have expected. indoor plumbing, anytime internet access... i definatly dont feel like im roughing it!
the Lord sent someone into my life today when i really needed it. i guess He always does, but He is always faithful even when i forget that He is nothing less.
tomorrow should be an interesting day, im excited to see what it holds.....
the Lord sent someone into my life today when i really needed it. i guess He always does, but He is always faithful even when i forget that He is nothing less.
tomorrow should be an interesting day, im excited to see what it holds.....
Sunday, May 14, 2006
6 Days before Departure

the Lord has been teaching me alot about His will lately, and His will for us all to go preach the Gospel to all nations. I am getting that chance this summer! i am so honored to get this opportunity to share the Good News with the people of Honduras!
until the whole world hears,
jessica williamson
Thursday, May 11, 2006
9 Days Before Departure
well its 9 days until i leave..and needless to say, im excited! there are still a bunch of little things to be done but they are the least of my worries. please pray for me as i continue to prepare for one of the biggest chapters of my life!
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