On Wednesday, October, 1, 2008, Gary W. Griffith went to be with his Lord. So much is on my heart and my mind, but I take comfort in the promise that he is with Jesus and that greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city...there is NO ONE like our GOD!!!
Garrison told me an incredible story. Wednesday morning around 10 am Brother Gary and Garrison were sitting at the computer listening to "God of this City" by Chris Tomlin and BG was weeping because of how amazing God is. Not even 30 minutes later, he went to the very presence of the one He was weeping over! This man left a legacy that points straight to the Maker of the Universe... there is no question where he stood or what he believed in.
"I firmly believe there is no risk in abandoning ourselves to God and that the Father will use circumstances, pain and suffering, to produce godliness in our lives. Righteousness, a little more freedom from sin, being a little more like Jesus, is worth any pain, discomfort or chastisement from the Father!! It proves you are His child, and He sends more of His Spirit." -- Gary Griffith
BG has shown me through his life and through his death that that a life lived for self is no life worth living and a life lived for the Glory of God is the only one worth living at all. To love God and to love People.
I have also learned to never let a day go by without telling the ones you love, that you love them and how special they are to you. This man was very special to me, a dear friend and mentor. I am a better person for having known him. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of BG's life for these last 7 years. I wouldn't trade the countless memories, laughs, lessons learned, and encouragement for anything in this world.
So.... to my Lord: I give up everything to you. I abandon what we call comfort in this world and desire that you use me in whatever ways you see fit. And at the end of this road, I hope that my life points to YOU! All the Glory be to your precious Name...

The Spirit of God is working mightily in the lives of the people at my church, FBC Swartz. We want more of you Lord! May we never be the same, make us more like Jesus, and may the world see how good you really are! YOU ARE ENOUGH!
R.I.P BG, I can't wait to sing forever and ever with you in adoration of our King. Thanks for teaching me how to worship, not only with my lips but with my life. I love you.
On my lips there's a shout of praise...