I was talking on facebook chat, enjoying myself. Jess was in the shower and we were getting ready to go to bed for the night. All of a sudden, the electricity surged through the whole house but came back on quickly. The lights were brighter than before but it went out again. Jess and Jenn in mid-shower and I was in mid-conversation... everything was BLACK. Osmany went to go check it out after smelling the smoke and just about electracuted himself. The surge protector that protects our computer, printer, telephone, and pretty much everything else is scortched. Praise the Lord the electronics were spared! About 10 minutes after the whole sha-bang, we saw sparks outside.. NOT GOOD.. haha. No fires were spotted but the house reaked of smoke. Rebeca and the Arkansas women slept through the whole thing, but Jennifer, Osmany, Jess, and I were up throughout the whole thing. I am glad that we were up, there is no telling what could have caught fire if we would not have been able to turn everything off. For safety reasons, Osmany wanted everything turned off for the night. He says the electrical wiring in the house is bad. So, as of right now, there is no internet, phone, t.v., and anything that you can think of that takes electricity to work! We do have WATER! God is so good my friends, He knows you have to have water to survive! haha
Jess and I getting ready for bed last night.. in the DARK! The head light and the flash do not do the darkness justice!
I am posting from an internet cafe and I am hoping that everything will be back on soon!
Lots of business at El Porvenir today! About 16 patients and I am pretty sure that everyone of them were sick enough to have a shot or some kind of treatment that involved penitration of the skin. The one that stole my heart today was Christopher... this (macho castretcho) -- it means a strong Honduran-- had a horrible fungal infection on his foot. We had to clean it because it was infected and then give him 2 shots for infection. It took more than one stick because he tensed up so much that the medicine would not go in. When kids are scared .. they have this superhuman strength that I cannot explain! It took me, Jess, his mother, and the other nurse working to get the job done. But he was so brave and courageous.. I think he took my heart with him when he walked out of the door :)
I mean... isn´t that just the most precious little boy you have ever seen?
We are leaving for Lago de Yajoa tomorrow morning! Jess is flying out on Saturday .. man I am going to miss that girl! She has been such a blessing, words cannot express my thankfulness and the joy that she has brought to this experience! God was so faithful to provide the partner that He knew that I would need.. He is good!
No electricity is a bummer, but i'm thankful no one was hurt! and it's good to see your nifty headlight is getting some more use! you both look cute!
Christopher is precious! such a sweetheart! i know you helped him so much!
praying for your last 2 days with Jess! I know the Lord will continue to use you both as a team until her last second on Honduran soil. Also praying for your last week there...continue to let your light shine for Him so that all may see your joy!
"The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are
radiant, giving light to the eyes." Psalm 19:8
i love you
Yikes~sounds like a kind of scary night! Y'all are learning a lot about going with the flow - or lack thereof, in the case of your electricity! I'm praying for your travels and especially your week next week! I'm sure looking forward to one of your famous hugs when you return!
Love You!
OH MY STARS!!im so glad nothing caught fire! God sure is watching over you guys!i love you and miss you MUCHO!!:)
haha, syd, you sound like Devin! I have been saying that too, after this week. lol.
Jess, I think that is SO crazy, but I am glad you have electricity now. I miss you, and I am praying for you. I love you so so much.
: )
Missing you on Sunday morning. We didn't get home until 12:00 midnight. Please be careful around these strangers. Make sure Osmany is close, but i know the Lord will protect you. HE also gives us common sense. I know you miss jessica, but i know your week will be blessed. We are praying for you daily. we love you!
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