To ALL of My Blog Readers:
After seeing such a generous response from Jessica Young's request on her blog, jealousy took over and I just had to ask you all to do the same thing.... PLEASE leave me a comment if you read my blog! I know many of you guys read it so just drop me a line and let me know who you are!
So none of you will use this as an excuse, here are 4 simple steps to leave a comment:
1) Click on the comments link at the bottom of the post
2) Type a message in the "leave your comment" box and make sure to include your name
3) Select anonymous
4) Then PUBLISH that stuff
You guys mean the world to me and you have no clue how much of an encouragement you are! Thank you for being such a real part of my ministry here. I love you and miss you!
Spanish Word of the Day:
Por Favor --> Please
step 2: i LOVE you! praying constantly for your work at Hermon & the Mobil clinic, growing of relationships new & old, planting seeds (Bobby Jindal's challenge for us), for you to continue to excel in speaking the language with full understanding, new opportunities in every sense, strength, discernment, rest, & FUN!
love always, Christin ("God speed!"- i found it in an old email... do you remember doing that..."and also with you!" haha!
gracias. de nada.
te amo.
I'm not exactly an anonymous reader! But I am a faithful one! I stinkin' love you!!!
Yes. I read yours too! Miss you girls!
i love & miss you!
what a great week CC/advance team wkd will be! :)
so when will you travel to nicaraugua?
i think i spelled it wrong...
i told lori leblanc that you performed a pap smear and she was like wow. she is currently in south texas/mexico working with a dentist on a mission trip (she is taking her dental school admissions test on june 30).
Uh, ya'll might want to stick with nursing, either that or take a course on video's. ;-). Just kidding. Didn't want you sad Jessica, so here's a blog. See you soon. Praying for you.
Ms. B.
Love the video - I understand just about as much Espanol! Have a productive week in Honduras - por favor!
John, Kristi, Grant and Garrett
I enjoyed the video. I don't think i would have the patience jess has trying to learn this language. I would have been ready to bop you! It was so sweet to hear and see you at the same time. We miss you terribly, but are so proud of the work you are doing for God's kingdom. Counting the days until you are home. We Love you!
Mom,Dad, and Chad
okay so im goin to leave a comment under every little thing!!! i loved the videos! me and my mom watched every one of them! yall be careful walking on those sidewalks! it looks like a place where i would trip! love ya girl!
*Sydney Lengefeld*
I'm reading. I looked at Jess Young's blog also and really enjoyed it too, lots of nice videos. But, I didn't leave her a comment. I love you and I hope that you continue to see the hand of God working in your time there. Jesus is King!!!
Uncle Keith
Well of course I'm a faithful reader! and thanks Uncle Keith, I'm honored!!
I love you Jess, and am so 'happy to be here'!!
I was so excited when I got to chat with you (even if it was for just a second)Saturday night.
It was so funny to be online with you in Honduras, Leslie in Wisner and talking to the bus driver of the Malawi crew as they drove back from Memphis. What an amazing world we live in!
I'm so proud of the work you are doing and know that you are continuing to grow in your relationship with the Lord as your are faithful to share His love in Honduras.
I am looking so forward to seeing you at cross camp in July.
Have your roomies told you that we (the college ministry) has our own house now? It is such a blessing and I can't wait for you to see it when you get back.
Take care and know that you and Jessica are in my thoughts and prayers every single day!!!!!
mrs. fran
hey jessica,
i just want you to know that i check your blog very often. i enjoy seeing all what God is doing in your life. i'm praying for you and your family b/c i know that they miss you.
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