Today, however, was an interesting day! We went back to Hermon today and it was the most steady day we have had these past 3 weeks. Jess gave 2 or 3 more injections and the ones she did not want to do, I did. I gave one to a screaming 4 year old, you would have thought we were going to kill him. But it was nothing that I monkey sticker did not fix :) It is amazing how resilient kids are. An elderly woman came in to the clinic today and she was very faint and could hardly walk. She needed medication intravenously so it was my job to do that. Her veins were small, skinny, and they would give out very easily. Every time I attempted I was able to enter the vein successfully but after injecting the medicine, her veins would just blow. It took 3 attempts with medication going in at each point to get it all in her system. Sweet lady just slept through the entire process, I doubt she will even know what happened to her. Dr. Suazo's last day with us was today, he is taking his vacation over the next 3 weeks so we will not be seeing him anymore :( He thanked us for our work and told us that he would love to see us again next summer! I just love them!
We are leaving for Copan tomorrow morning! I am sure that I will have TONS of pictures and stories to share after this fun little vacation! We will just be driving to Copan tomorrow, a 4 1/2 hour trip and then doing some souvenir shopping for the rest of the evening. Friday we will be touring the Mayan Ruins during the morning and in the afternoon going to the Water Park! We will stay in Copan on Friday night and on Saturday morning make our way to San Pedro Sula to pick up a team of 2 women that will be working with us for the week. I am sure this is going to be an incredible week! Please pray for the team as they travel down and for Jess and I as we serve our last week together! I cannot believe this summer is already on the down-slide..
Thank you all so much for leaving comments! Please don't stop! I get so excited to read them and you have no clue how much of an encouragement they are! I love you all and cannot wait to see you!
I am glad to hear that all is well with you! We miss you. You will love the new house that we have. We have added some things, but it will be a work in progress. God bless you in all that you continue to do and we will keep praying for you.
Hey sweet girl! Enjoyed the update as always! I know you have been such a blessing to that sweet doctor! I hope you guys have a fantastic time at Copan!
Praying for your time at copan! i hope you have a blast!
Thank goodness for Monkey stickers! I know you girls are doing a great job and I am so excited you get to go and see some awesome things. Have a great time and be safe!
mrs. fran
I can't WAIT to see Copan pics!
Love you.
I hope your stay in Copan has been amazing! can't wait to hear all about it & see the beautiful pics! ;) te amo!
Sounds like you have had some wonderful experiences- both spiritually and nursing related. Have a nice time. We're praying for you!
John, Kristi, Grant and Garrett
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