another day at the clinic, except this one was LONG! i finished writing some letters and read in my book i been workin on finishing for some time now. we saw a few patients today, most with gastro-intestinal(GI) problems.
we came home to eat and then headed to the gym, the leg workout was on the schedule for today.
i ran by the store and got some things that i had been needin to get and then dropped of letters at the post office that needed to be mailed.
finally layed down tonight and finished the book, Through the Gates of Splendor. it was an amazing story about 5 men who gave their lives for the furtherance of the Gospel. elisabeth elloit, a wife of one of the martyrs, said that people around the world were trying to make sense of the deaths of the men. elloit's view was, God is God and His will always prevails, bottom line. it was God's will that her husband and the other 4 died taking the Gospel to the Auca tribe, no one will ever be able to make sense out of it other than it was the Lord's plan unfolding. no one can put limits on what God can do in a situation like that. and i know that their situation was huge and its one of those things that has forever changed the face of history, but there are things that we do everyday that are in obediance to Christ that make a huge impact and that will somehow change someone's life. we cant put limits on what God can do with those simple acts of obediance either. the Bible says in 1 samuel chapter 15:22 that obediance is greater than sacrifice. sacrifice without obediance is not pleasing to the Lord. those men sacrificed their lives but it was an act of an obediant heart.
please pray for me that i will be obediant to do God's will in my life. thank you for your prayers! i love you!