Tuesday, June 26, 2007

okay so its official, i am THE BEST shot giver EVER!! haha, not really! but i am learning quickly! i am really enjoying my time at the clinic and the Lord has put many opportunities before me. I am so grateful for my time there! only 2 more days ...


ChristinAnne said...

o those pics of you are PRICELESS! you look like an old pro!!! very proud of you! ;)

Anonymous said...

aww- you make such a cute nurse in your scrubs!!! -Kasey

Anonymous said...

Where were you back in the 80's when I had to give myself allergy shots and made myself break out in a rash because I didn't stick the needle deep enough to get it into my bloodstream? Oh that's right - you weren't even born yet!!!

I'm so proud of you girl! Have fun at the waterpark and I know you are counting the minutes until the Swartz group arrives.

We love you and can't wait for you to get home. Make the best of the time you have left!!!

love ya,
mrs. fran